Defense Sports, LLC Terms Of Service is an Agreement made between Defense Sports, LLC (the Provider) and the Client to be effective as of the date that the client books services online electronically. The Client and the Provider hereby agree to the following terms and conditions:
The Provider has agreed to provide the Client with a "Sports Massage" session (the Service).
Informed Consent: The Client hereby consents to receive the Service from the Provider and its contractors to provide the Service to the Client. The Client understands that the Provider is not a physician and does not diagnose illness or disease or any other physical or mental disorder. The Client clearly understands the Service is not a substitute for a medical examination. The Client acknowledges that no assurance or guarantee has been provided to the Client as to the results of the Service.
Physical Health: The Client represents that they are physically and mentally sound and suffering from no condition, impairment, disease, infirmity, or other illness that would prevent the Client from receiving the Service or risk their health or well-being while receiving the Service. The Client acknowledges that they have received a physical examination and have been given their physician's permission to receive the Service or have knowingly chosen not to obtain their physician's permission prior to beginning the receipt of the Service.
An Assumption Of Risk: The Client certifies that the Client voluntarily agrees to receive the Service. The Client understands and acknowledges that the Service, by its very nature, carries certain inherent risks that cannot be eliminated. The Client understands and acknowledges that, regardless of the care taken by the Provider, the Provider cannot guarantee the Client's personal safety, health, or well-being. The Client acknowledges that when receiving the Service, there is always a possibility that injuries may occur. The Client expressly assumes and accepts sole responsibility for their health and safety and for any injuries that may occur. The Client consents to being touched anywhere on their body with the exception of any areas not permitted by the Provider's professional certifications and/or local, state and/or Federal law and the exception of any areas that the Client informs the Provider via email before the Service at The Client understands that they must inform the Provider via email of any medical conditions, medications, or other factors that may affect the Client's ability to receive the Service safely.
Indemnity: The Client agrees to hold harmless and indemnify the Provider and the owners of the Location from all claims (whether initiated by the Client or by a third-party) and to reimburse them for any expenses incurred as a result of the Client's involvement with the Provider or receipt of the Service.
Filming: There shall be absolutely NO video filming, NO audio recording and NO photos of the Service by neither the Provider nor the Client. The Client SHALL NOT distribute any videos, photos nor audio taken within the Defense Sports Massage location nor of the Staff on the Internet or Social Media without the Provider's written consent.
Binding Arbitration: Any dispute, controversy, or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement shall be resolved through binding arbitration. The arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association (or any other mutually agreed-upon arbitration organization). The arbitration shall take place in Los Angeles, CA. The parties involved in the dispute shall jointly appoint a single arbitrator who shall preside over the proceedings. If the parties cannot agree on an arbitrator within 90 days, the arbitration Organization shall appoint an arbitrator. The decision of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on all parties involved. The parties agree to abide by and enforce the arbitrator’s decision and judgment in any court having jurisdiction. The arbitration proceedings and any related discussions or documents shall be treated as confidential, except as required by law. The parties waive any right to a trial by jury or to participate in a class action lawsuit related to the dispute.
Acknowledgement: The Client acknowledges that they have carefully read the Defense Sports, LLC Terms Of Service and understands that it is a complete and absolute release of liability. The Client agrees that they have knowingly agreed to receive the Service and that Client has been given an opportunity to ask questions regarding the Agreement and the Service.
Electronic Consent: By checking the box "I Have Read And Agree" when booking with Defense Sports Massage, you agree to the use of your electronic consent in lieu of an original signature on paper.